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Jet: Balloon Flexible straw. Rubber band or tape · Body (Select one): Water bottle. Toilet-paper tube · Axles (Select one): Straws Barbeque skewers · Wheels ( Here's what you need to make your 4-Wheel. Balloon Car! Jet. • Balloon. • Flexible straw. • Rubber band or tape. Body (Select one). • Water bottle. In this Steve Spangler Science Balloon-Powered Race Car Experiment, we'll give you step-by-step instructions on how you can build your own race car and thenBlow some air into the balloon through the straw. Pinch the straw shut so that the air doesn't escape. Place the car on a smooth, flat surface. Instructions Instrucciones · Poke two holes in the bottle's sides, on the part of the bottle that will be the bottom of the car. Make the holes directly across Find a hard surface, like a long table, linoleum floor, or sidewalk. Blow up the balloon through the straws at the mouth of the bottle without the air escaping.
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